102 Whiskey River Road

I’ve been working hard on a new series that I can’t wait to share with my readers! I’m convinced that this will be my breakout novel!

It’s raw, gritty, romantic, funny, and suspenseful all rolled into one original story. It has great characters that you will love and hate. Some you will change your mind about, others you’re still going to hate at the end of the book. Which, isn’t really the end, it will lead you into the second book.

If you like teasers, games, and keeping up-to-date, hop on over to my facebook group - Moore Than Just Romance. There is always a lot going on in there and you never know when you might meet another great author hanging out.

Here is the first teaser from Whiskey River Road - The Ranch Series.

This is a scene between Clem Calhoun and Boone - She left him at the alter years ago.

“You’re supposed to be trying to get some sleep.” 

His rough hand squeezes my shoulder sending a wave of desire through me and I have to press my thighs together. I decide in that moment, I want him back. He’s not married yet, so he’s still a free man. Of course, if anyone would’ve laid a hand on Boone when I was with him, I would’ve ripped their titties plumb off their chest. I slowly, full of lust, turn and face him. His dark eyes stare at me for a moment then he closes them. I slip my eager hands under the hem of his t-shirt and run my fingertips over his muscles.

Without opening his eyes he asks in a deep lull, “What are you doing?”

Holy mother of Mary his abs feel so good. “Nothing,” I draw out the word with a southern charm.

“Roll back over and go to sleep.” His tone is so sexy. I’m sure that’s not what he was going for, but it tweaks my insides.

I do as I’m told, but not without an exaggerated sigh. “I’m not having sex with you if that’s what you’re thinking,” I tease behind a smile.

“I wasn’t thinking it.” A hint of a chuckle comes from him.

I wiggle my ass closer. I don’t even have to look; I know those stormy eyes of his popped open as wide as saucers. 

“Whatever is pressed into my ass tends to disagree with you,” I giggle.

“Quit squirming. It’s a knife.” His voice is strained.

I laugh out loud. “A little big for a pocketknife.” My nipples pucker thinking about him pressing into my backend. My panties are soaking wet.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Clem.” The grinding of his teeth let me know he’s struggling to brush me off.

“Seriously, Boone, I done told you, I wasn’t having sex with you.” Sweet Jesus, I want him to slide into my cupcake and spill my batter.

“Your mind is thinking something dirty, isn’t it?” He scoots back and I follow, grinding into his so-called knife.

He knows me so well. I reach back and grab his large hand I’m aching to have on me. I kiss the tips of his fingers and I think he’s going to give in when he drags mine to his mouth. I let out a chirp when he bites me. It does nothing but turn me on. 

“You’re a biter. I kinda like it.” Damn, I don’t remember him being a biter before. Maybe he’s learned some new tricks.

He chuckles, then pushes my shoulders, lying me flat on the blanket. He hovers over me and for a minute, I think he’s going to kiss me. His lickable lips are inches from mine. “Your eyes are beautiful,” he whispers and swallows hard.

“You want to kiss me, don’t you?” I’m not really asking, merely pointing out a fact that’s given away in the way he’s looking at me right now.

He falls back on the blanket. “No. I’m not attracted to you at all.” He groans as he adjusts the bulge in his jeans.

I lay my hand on his hand that’s covering his cock, making sure my fingers brush over it. “I’m not attracted to you either, just so you know.”

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