Fated Lives Series

Rebel’s Retribution

Books 1-4

Fated Lives Series: Three shorts stories of how fate connected their lives.


Derrick Rebel: Captain of the Seal Team: The Gunners.

Theo Drake: The youngest and only surviving member of The Gunners. 

Fallon Davis:  An innocent bystander, thrusted into a world she never knew existed.

Book 4: 

Rebel’s Retribution

As the leader of his Seal Team: Derrick Rebel has lost everything, betrayed by the woman he loved. He’s become a man without purpose. Until…the one surviving member of his team pushes him to help a woman in need.

Joining forces, they form a task team in honor of the men that were lost. They hurtle themselves deep into a criminal organization marketing men, women, and children. Anyone is fair game.

To destroy the organization, one will become the criminal, the other will be forced to confront unfinished business from his past.  One of themwill never be the same.

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Two short stories about how their lives are fated together, and one hell of a mission.

Book 5

Lawson Reed - The Gunners’ SEAL team trainer and best friend to Derrick Rebel

Book 6 

Fiona Petit - A strong young woman whose life has been taken from her, and the one woman Theo Drake could not save.

Book 7

Theo’s Retaliation 

Theo’s mind has been clouded from the  moment he failed to keep his promise to set Fiona Petit free. His job of infiltrating a crime ring and becoming one of them has turned Theo’s once-happy demeanor dark. Now he has one purpose, and one purpose only…to find Fiona. If she’s still alive.

Rebel builds the Gunners with new team members and gains intel on another organization whose crimes resemble those committed by geNetics. This time, it’s almost right outside his own back door.  The Gunner team will go into battle against a familiar force that leaves none of them unscathed.

Will it lead Rebel to help Theo find Fiona, or will it dig Theo’s grave deeper? Will Rebel die trying to save them all, or will he lose Fallon in the process?

Will Theo get his retaliation?


Book 9 
Thorn Beckham—one of the newest members of the Gunner Team. 
Book 10
Nina Pax—the woman that nearly destroyed Derrick Rebel.

Book 11
Thorn’s Redemption

Thorn failed his mission in keeping Fallon safe. Time is running out. He wants redemption and the chance to take Nina down. He gets more than he bargained for when his past catches up with him. Will his anger over a past long forgotten get in the way of his mission? He’ll have to stay focused or the only two women he’s ever loved will die at Nina’s hands.

Just when Rebel thought his team and Fallon were safe, Nina kidnaps several of them, including his brother, Sean. Now, the hunt is on. Nina is playing a dangerous game and has the Gunner Team on the run trying to save them before it’s too late.

Nina Pax wants one thing—Derrick. She’ll stop at nothing to get him back into her bed, even if it means disposing of the only family she has left.

Will the Gunner Team remain intact, or will the mission tear them apart?

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